Water Supply
Highlands Ranch Water Supply
The community’s water supply comes from a combination of surface water from the South Platte River and groundwater from three deep bedrock aquifers beneath Highlands Ranch. Use of these two water sources is known as a conjunctive use system.
Surface water is renewable because it is part of the hydrologic cycle, while deep groundwater is mainly non-renewable because it is not connected to the surface streams. Therefore, the groundwater is used primarily as a back-up water source to the surface water. The community uses on average 85% surface water annually. Approximately one-half of this water is legally reusable. This means it can be recaptured after its first use and used multiple times until it is used to extinction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, deep bedrock aquifers beneath Highlands Ranch have a finite supply of water because they are not connected to surface water streams. However, the laws that regulate groundwater use limit annual pumping to no more than one percent of the total available water and Highlands Ranch Water has used much less than the allowed amount.
In Highlands Ranch, we use surface water sources to the maximum practical extent so groundwater pumping is reduced. Also, as part of our aquifer storage and recovery program, we attempt to periodically replenish the aquifers with high-quality treated surface water.
Yes. We have highly variable weather conditions in Colorado. Assuming no major change in water supply conditions, Highlands Ranch Water has a water portfolio today that is highly likely to meet future water demands for all of Highlands Ranch Water customers. As we complete the community’s growth, there is a small need to either acquire additional surface water supplies or reduce demands.
As water conservation increases, the amount of water used per customer decreases, thus reducing our reliance on groundwater. A number of conservation measures have already been implemented including:
- Water budgets for each customer linked to a conservation-based rate structure
- Metering all water users
- Code requirement for water-efficient fixtures in all buildings
- Efficient, computer-controlled irrigation techniques
- System leak detection and repair program
- System-wide water audits
- Water conservation public information programs
Highlands Ranch Water is a leader in developing surface water sources, operating integrated groundwater and surface systems, and implementing ASR.
Highlands Ranch Water is an active participant in the South Metro Water Supply Authority, and the WISE project with Denver and Aurora.
ASR is the process of injecting water into deep aquifers. When it can, Highlands Ranch Water injects treated surface water into aquifers to reduce the net withdrawal and to sustain pumping capacity at economical levels. Highlands Ranch has, to date, injected more than 15,000 acre feet of water into 25 wells, replacing a portion of the groundwater that has been withdrawn.
The amount of water returned to the aquifers in any specific year is highly dependent upon surface water yields from the South Platte River and other operational factors.
Ongoing efforts include:
- Maximizing the reuse of water supplies as allowed by law and decree
- Utilizing South Platte Reservoir, a 6,400-acre-foot storage reservoir completed in 2007, which stores surface water
- Utilizing 6,900 acre feet of space acquired in Chatfield Reservoir as water storage for municipal use
- Seeking and acquiring additional cost-effective surface water supplies
- Diversification of our water portfolio: A combination of surface and groundwater sources
- Continuing innovative programs such as aquifer storage and recovery, a process that recharges water back into the aquifers when the surface supply allows
- Supporting a community-wide water conservation program, including water budgets
- Participating in state and regional water planning efforts, such as the South Metro Water Supply Authority
- Regional cooperation and reuse of water through the Water Infrastructure and Supply Efficiency (WISE) project
During droughts, when surface supplies are below average, access to groundwater sources gives us system reliability. Consequently, Highlands Ranch has opted for a supply plan that balances surface and groundwater sources in a cost-effective way. Groundwater is important to a water supply portfolio because it is of consistently good quality, is not dependent upon seasonal snowpack, and it can be developed with minimal environmental impacts. Groundwater is also not subject to evaporation losses, and is not exposed to surface contamination.
For more information about the community’s water supply including a fact sheet addressing some frequently asked questions, a link to the latest Water Wise Guide, or tips on how to read your meter, click the links below.