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Lead And Copper Sampling

Raising awareness about lead and copper

Highlands Ranch Water cares about you, and cares about your water. We pride ourselves in safeguarding our community’s water supply, ensuring when it comes out of your tap you are getting a refreshing, clean glass of water that meets all state and federal regulations.

Lead is not present when water flows from the Joseph B. Blake Water Treatment Plant, nor is it present in the water mains running beneath the streets. There are no lead service lines, goosenecks, or galvanized pipes in our service area. Highland Ranch Water has met lead and copper standards set by the EPA since monitoring began in 1991.

We test lead and copper levels in addition to many other constituents in drinking water according to federal and state laws. The information is reported in our Water Quality Report published annually in late Spring.

What is the Lead and Copper Rule?

In 1991, the Environmental Protection Agency established the Lead and Copper Rule which regulates the amount of lead and copper allowed in water. These contaminants primarily enter drinking water through corrosion of service lines, fixtures or plumbing. Since 1991, Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) have been released, updating the latest requirements for lead and copper monitoring, testing and education.

Lead service line inventory

The latest LCRR requires all water providers to conduct a lead service line inventory. Highlands Ranch Water does not have any lead service lines in our service area. The oldest homes in our service area were built in 1980. The original system design criteria for Highlands Ranch states that lines 2" and less shall be Type K (soft) copper. All service lines that serve our customers are ¾” K (soft) copper.

There are a few historical buildings that still stand in the community built prior to the development of Highlands Ranch in 1980. This includes the Highlands Ranch Mansion and surrounding ranch properties. For these three unknown service lines, Highlands Ranch Water staff identified two of the lines were copper using a visual and scratch test, and the other line as PVC pipe.  Highlands Ranch Water staff took pictures of the lines and documented it in the required lead service line inventory. 

To request a copy of our lead service line inventory, or for questions on how we determined we have no lead service lines, contact us via email or call 303-791-0430.

Lead and copper sampling program

The LCRR, and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) requires water districts to collect samples from eligible homes to determine lead and copper levels in our water at the tap. Highlands Ranch Water’s sampling program is a partnership with homeowners in Highlands Ranch who live in a home built between 1983-1987. The number of homes we are required to sample is dependent upon the population of our service area. With a population of over 103,000 people, we are required to collect 100 samples every six months.

Do you want to participate?

If you live in a single-family home in Highlands Ranch, built between 1983 and 1987, you qualify to participate in the sampling program. Homeowners who participate will be provided with a sample kit along with easy-to-follow instructions. The process is easy.

If you’d like to participate, please complete the lead and copper sampling contact form .

Frequently asked questions

Why is lead a health risk? 

Lead is a toxic metal that can cause immediate health effects at high doses and long-term health effects, even at lower doses, if it builds up in the body over many years. Lead can cause brain and kidney damage in addition to effects on the blood and vitamin D metabolism. Pregnant women and young children are particularly vulnerable because the physical and behavioral effects of lead occur at lower exposure levels in children than in adults.

In children, low levels of exposure have been linked to central and peripheral nervous system damage, learning disabilities, shorter stature, impaired hearing, and impaired formation and function of blood cells.

While people are more commonly exposed to lead through paint, soil and dust, U.S. EPA estimates infants who consume mostly mixed formula can receive 40% to 60% of their exposure to lead from drinking water.

Are there lead service lines in Highlands Ranch and/or Solstice? 

No. Since the development of Highlands Ranch in the early 80s, the community’s development guidelines have always required copper service lines. Use of lead in pipes, solder and other plumbing materials was banned by the Safe Drinking Water Act by 1986, thus Solstice similarly was never developed with lead service lines.

What are water mains and service lines? 

Water mains are the underground pipes that deliver water from the treatment plant to buildings, homes and other facilities in our service area. Highlands Ranch Water owns and is responsible for maintaining and replacing water mains in our service area.

The individual property owner is responsible for the water service lines that allow delivery of water from the mains to their address. Service lines begin at the property’s curb stop or shut-off valve and continue to the water meter in the home.

How does lead get into drinking water? 

Lead is not present when water flows from Highlands Ranch Water’s treatment facility, nor is it present in the water mains running beneath the streets. However, in some older homes lead may be present in the home plumbing. If your home was built between 1983 and 1987, your copper service lines may have been installed with lead solder.

Highlands Ranch Water keeps our finished water in a certain corrosivity range to prevent any lead from leaching out of lead solder and home plumbing fixtures.

How do I know whether my drinking water contains lead? 

Because it is colorless and tasteless, lead is not readily apparent in water. In fact, the only way to know for certain whether your drinking water contains lead is to have your water tested by a certified laboratory. Contact Highlands Ranch Water for more information.

How much lead in water is too much? 

Lead can be harmful even at very low levels and can accumulate in our bodies over time, so wherever possible steps should be taken to reduce or eliminate your household’s exposure. While risks vary based on individual circumstances and the amount of water consumed, no concentration of lead is considered “safe.” Households with pregnant women, infants, or young children are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of lead at low levels.

What can I do to reduce or eliminate lead from my drinking water? 

The best way to remove risks of lead in water is to completely replace all sources of lead. But there are also steps you can take right away to reduce lead levels in your water.

  1. Run the tap before use – Lead levels are likely at their highest when water has been sitting in the pipe for several hours. Clear this water from your pipes by running the cold water for several minutes. This allows you to draw fresh water from the main.
  2. Clean aerators – Aerators are small attachments at the tips of faucets which regulate the flow of water. They can accumulate small particles of lead in their screens. It’s a good idea to remove your aerators at least monthly and clean them out.
  3. Use cold water for cooking and drinking – Always cook and prepare baby formula with cold water, because hot water dissolves lead more quickly, resulting in higher levels in water.
  4. Filter the water – Many home water filters are effective at removing lead. If you purchase a filter, make sure it is certified for lead removal and that you maintain it properly. Find out more on filter certification online from NSF International.
Are there special steps I should take to protect my developing baby, infant or young children? 

Households with pregnant women, infants or young children should be especially aware of the potential for lead exposure through drinking water. If you suspect there may be lead in your home plumbing, consider having your water tested at a certified laboratory. If lead is detected, consider purchasing a filter certified for lead removal or using an alternate source of water until the problem is corrected.

Babies and young children are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of lead at low levels. U.S. EPA estimates infants who consume mostly mixed formula can receive 40% to 60% of their exposure to lead from drinking water.

What does Highlands Ranch Water do to protect my household from lead? 

In order to prevent lead from dissolving into water from home plumbing, Highlands Ranch Water adjusts the water’s chemistry at the treatment plant. This process is known as corrosion control. We sample water at homes considered to be high risk to ensure our corrosion control remains effective. Although corrosion control can reduce risks, the best way to assure your home is safe from lead exposure through water is to remove the potential sources of lead.

We test copper and lead levels, in addition to many other constituents in drinking water, according to federal and state laws. The information is reported in the Water Quality Report published annually every spring.

Do all home filters and other water treatment devices remove lead? 

No. If you purchase a water filter or home treatment device, make sure it is independently certified for lead removal and that you maintain it properly. Find out more on filter certification at

Is water the only source of lead in homes and businesses? 

No. In fact, lead in drinking water generally represents only about 20% of total exposure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, drinking water can account for more than half of lead exposure in children because of their lower body weight. Additionally, because no level of lead is considered safe, eliminating potential sources of lead is strongly advised.