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Water Conservation Is Priority For Highlands Ranch Water

Post Date:05/06/2024 7:00 AM

By Paige McFarland, Water Efficiency Coordinator for Highlands Ranch Water

After last month’s near-record snowstorm, I know I am not alone when I say that I am ready to get outside and play, get my hands in the dirt and enjoy the sunshine and warmth that comes each spring. As the water efficiency coordinator for Highlands Ranch Water and Sanitation District, and a horticulturist at heart, this is my March Madness. Planning and preparation throughout the year converge each spring as customer inquiries pour in approaching the summer irrigation season.

Working alongside the team at Highlands Ranch Water, we are keeping our target set on the long-term goal: ensuring a sustainable water supply for the future. Even with the above-average snowpack and full reservoirs, our dedication to water conservation remains unwavering. Identifying opportunities to curtail water consumption is as important as ever. Rebate programs and educational opportunities are a pivotal aspect of this long-term strategy.

This year we are launching a new water wise award, three new rebate programs, and we will be hosting four conservation events throughout the year. There is a lot to be excited about and we are eager to work with customers to help you start saving water and get rewarded for the great work you are already doing.

The new Water Wise Landscape Award will recognize customers who are championing low-water landscapes. Customers can nominate themselves or a neighbor and three winners will be selected based on water-efficient practices in their yard. The winners will receive a $100 credit on their water bill. Do you have a beautiful ColoradoScape? Have you mastered the art of cycle and soak? Do you have a pollinator garden to brag about? You could be the first recipient of our Water Wise Landscape Award. Look for details on how to nominate a yard on our website at

One of Highlands Ranch Water’s new offerings this year is a soil test rebate. All life begins in the soil. A strong root system is essential for drought resilience, which requires healthy soil. A soil test guides fertilizer and soil amendment decisions and can reduce unnecessary fertilizer applications that could adversely affect our water supply. Opting for phosphorous-free fertilizers further safeguards our waterways.

The second new rebate targets customers who convert overhead spray irrigation to drip irrigation. Drip irrigation stands out as the most efficient and water-conserving method for perennials, shrubs and trees. For those contemplating turf replacement, pairing drip irrigation with your new ColoradoScape is a great way to get rewarded for your approach to smart water management.

Our third conservation incentive is for landscape professionals. We are offering financial assistance to green industry professionals seeking to expand their knowledge of water-efficient irrigation and sustainable landscape practices. We will reimburse individuals for a variety of industry certifications. If you are interested or know a landscaper who may benefit from financial aid, have them contact me at

Lastly, I invite you to attend one of our conservation events this year. Come learn, ask questions, and hopefully walk away a little water wiser. All events are free and will be held at Max Taps in Highlands Ranch. Registration is required.

June 3 – Peaks to Pints: The journey of water from the Colorado mountains to your tap.

Aug. 15 – Thirsty Thursday: Quench your thirst for conservation. Learn how you can save water in and around your home.

October date TBD.

We have a lot going on when it comes to conservation. Visit our website (, subscribe to our eNewsletter (email, or attend an upcoming event. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at