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Non-Residential Irrigation Water Budget Application

This completed application must be submitted in its entirety before an irrigation budget will be provided. Irrigation without an irrigation budget will be subject to a surcharge, where applicable.

Please provide the following information:

I verify the identified maintenance contractor shall operate the irrigation system for this property in accordance with the Highlands Ranch Water & Sanitation District conservation program. I agree that the enclosed information is complete and accurate. I understand charges for non-compliance may be incurred against the designated utility account for the property, and are subject to the regulations identified in the Highlands Ranch Water & Sanitation District, including, but not limited to Exhibit A and A-1.

Full name

I verify that I and/or my company employees shall operate the irrigation system for this property in accordance with the Highlands Ranch Water & Sanitation District conservation program. I agree the enclosed information is complete and accurate.

The annual amount of supplemental irrigation included in the water budget is 27 inches from the third week in April to the second week of October each year. The 27 inches is broken down per billing period and a detailed schedule can be requested at the beginning of April each calendar year. Irrigation water use above the allocated amount each billing period will be billed at higher rate tiers. Additionally, no outdoor watering is allowed between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rain sensors are required on all non-residential irrigation systems. Failure to follow any of the rules and regulations contained in Exhibit A and A-1 can result in violations and fines added to your water bill.
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