Highlands Ranch Water Proposing Rate Increases For 2024
Post Date:11/06/2023 2:14 PM
Providing customers with safe, sustainable and reliable water and wastewater services is the highest priority for Highlands Ranch Water and Sanitation District. In order to continue this mission, Highlands Ranch Water is proposing an average 6% rate increase and a new infrastructure investment fee of $7.50/month. The proposed increase is necessary to enable Highlands Ranch Water to continue to deliver efficient and effective operations and investment for today and the long-term.
“We make every effort to balance affordability with the need to protect water quality and public health by maintaining and investing in our infrastructure,” said Highlands Ranch Water’s General Manager Sam Calkins.
“Over the last several decades, the district has successfully navigated challenges without significant rate increases. We are at a time where we need to make a financial investment in aging infrastructure and that can’t be done without increasing rates,” added Calkins.
“The truth is, increasing rates is a necessity right now,” said Director of Finance and Administration Zach Cartaya. “Inflation costs are hitting us all, construction costs continue to rise, and these are increasing our operational and capital costs. Without the increased revenue coming in from rates, crucial upgrades to our system won’t be possible.”
Unlike many other water providers, Highlands Ranch Water is funded 100% by water rates. The district does not collect property taxes. Rates are based on the cost to deliver water to customers and take it away to be treated when customers are done using it. Rates recover the cost of operations and maintenance including cost for staff, treatment chemicals, utilities, ongoing repair and maintenance of facilities, capital reinvestment, water acquisition and debt service.
Each year, rates and fees are reviewed during the budget process and a public hearing on the budget and rates is held at the November board meeting. New rates generally go into effect the first billing period after January 1. A public hearing discussing 2024 proposed rates will be held Monday, Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Highlands Ranch Water’s regularly scheduled board meeting. The public is invited to the meeting. A meeting agenda, including an optional Zoom link, will be posted on the district’s website Wednesday, Nov. 22 at centennialwater.org.
Highlands Ranch Water’s 2024 proposed budget is available for review. The budget document presents Highlands Ranch Water’s expenditure plan for the ensuing year and identifies the resources and revenues available to fund it. A hard-copy of the proposed budget, and the fact sheet, are also available at the district’s main office located at 62 Plaza Drive.
The proposed rates are scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2024.