Application for Sports Field Customer Classification
This completed application and the required information listed below must be submitted in its entirety before classification as a sports field will be granted.
Guidelines for classification as a sports field customer
A sports field is defined as an area of turf grass used and managed for organized sporting events. Highlands Ranch Water recognizes that sports fields experience activity outside of our normal irrigation season of Apr. 15 to Oct. 15. These activities may require supplemental irrigation water in order to keep fields in good condition and safe for sports activities. Classification as a sports field customer will provide the customer with an annual irrigation budget rather than a defined budget for each monthly billing cycle. Sports field customers will be allotted 27 inches of supplemental irrigation beginning with the billing period starting on or near Jan. 15 of each calendar year.
It is the customer's responsibility to know how much water is being applied throughout the year. Once the irrigation budget is exceeded, all water used will be billed for at the higher rate tiers according to our rates for non-residential irrigation customers.
If a sports field customer has more than one account that can be classified as a sports field, the customer has the option of combining those accounts into one account. The total irrigated area from all accounts will be combined and used to calculate an aggregate budget for that customer.